Sunday, March 6, 2011


Perspective towards life change with time.When I think about perspectives, I feel really strange. My opinion towards things have changed upside down as years go by. Is it only for me or it happens everywhere? My stand on various aspects of life has been changed and on thinking back, I'm surprised to witness my own change. Whatever happens to us or by us have a greatest part for SITUATIONS. Unpredictable/unexpected situations may change the entire mindset of people about life who were the victims of such situations. I feel I was a different person before around two years now and yet to find out which of these both is the real me.


  1. Unpredictable/unexpected situations may change the entire mindset of people about life who were the victims of such situations - I second you! Although being a victim of situations could be the worst part in one's life, there's a blessing in disguise - It makes you stronger than most people...I have experienced it many times. Experience teaches great things...

  2. A really good write-up true from your heart, and uncensored expressions.
    I have also come across the quest 'which of these both is the real me'? now have realized none of them is real me. Tomorrow I am going to find myself in a different situation, and what I decide today as the real me will be quashed.

    'Unpredictable/unexpected situations may change the entire mindset ....'
    Social scientists call this Conditioning. Our mindset must be guided by thinking of the solution. If we allow situations to alter our mindset, our actions will be biased based on our own experiences thereby we won't be open to ideas, hence our learning will stop.

    "Although being a victim of situations could be the worst part in one's life, there's a blessing in disguise..."
    This blessings can come only when you do not allow your feelings to sink into the situation and come out of it, or in other words not being conditioned.
